💙 Have a great day! 💚

Here We Go... Again

Starting a blog, but this time it's for me... No need to stay on theme, or on schedule. I think that ALONE will be healing for me. This year one of my goals was to NOT wait for the perfect moment, because I can make the moment perfect myself.

Nonetheless, here we are, 8:51 on Thursday night, February 20th, eating mac and cheese with peas and broccoli (current comfort food), and watching Adventure Time (the go-to comfort show)-real spiritual, am I right? Not waiting for the new or full moon, or next astrological season, no doing a ritual beforehand. It's just me, and being me, doing my thing as I go, is enough.

So thank you for joining me on my journey here- it'll probably be a lot of witchy and mental health and creative stuff. This blog is another step of what my entire business, Roots of the Rose, is all about- getting back to the basics of me. We all ebb and flow and being able to have some sort of connection or anchor to the core of who you are is so crucial.

I am honored to be here, with you all reading these words. Yes, these words are for me, but I hope to reach those who need to hear them too, who need that touch of inspiration, kindness, or even that reminder that it's okay to be you. 

So here we go, again yet all new. You just gotta take that first step!

Love always,

Jenna Rose, the one and only Rooted Rose Witch

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